
Showing posts from June, 2017

Welcome in wild Russia

Today was my hardest day of motorbiking until now. Everything started yesterday evening as I was searching for a good wild camping spot or especially a path which I can drive. The pathes off from the main road are totally worn out from 4x4 vehicles. After some rain showers over the day the path I found was hard to drive because it was so slippery. But nevertheless I could drive it. But after the whole night of rain driving back through this path was nearly impossible. Somehow I could come back to the main road and I had to lift up the motorbike just once. But also the main road was starting to getting more worse. Ordinary potholes are ok but now more often a carpet of potholes is appearing suddenly. At these pothole carpets I never know how deep they are just flat and the good suspensions of Isabella is managing it, or are they so deep that the metal of my motorbike and also my bones will break. But that was not the worst for today. After some km the street was just a dirt road. On...

The search for a camping place

Here are no campsites like they are at good old Germany. So I'm searching for a wild camping place. But it's really hard here. It was so much easier in Poland. Today to get to my place I had to drive trough a muddy, slippery, dirt track.


Still in the Masuren lake district I was looking for a nice Hostel in Minsk. But I was not really able to find a proper one. Also I had kept all these recommendations from others in my mined, that I have to go to Ukraine and see Kiev. So I quickly changed my planes and was driving to the Ukraine border. At the boarder was such an huge queue that I definitely will stay there for 4 hours. So I just was passing the hole queue in the hope there is a separate queue for motorbikes, but there wasn't. As I was staying there some very friendly Ukrainian citizen were starting talking with me. But they wasn't able to talk in English and I wasn't able to talk in Ukrainian. So we just used hands, feeds and google translator. One of them was making me understandable: "What you want to stay in a tent. No, you come with me and stay in my house and we are drinking Wodka together." It was really good to get in contact with him, because he allowed me to enter the queue in f...

Locked out on the wrong site


Masurian Lake District

After my tree disaster the last evening, I was driving to the Wolf's Lair (Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze) where on the 20. July 1944 an assassination against Adolf Hitler failed. But there is no intresting things to see. Just a lot of old, rotted cement. Couse of the dilapidated condition of the cement it is not allowed and dangouras to go inside the bunkers. After the Wolf's Lair I was going to a campling place. Which I had as a POI in my navigation system. But there was on camping place just a wonderful wild camping spot at a lake. From here I could enjoy a beautiful sunset which I hade to conservate in my camera. (see the first Picture in the Blog entry) The Masurian Lakes are wonderful for just walking around and relaxing. Perhaps it would be better to drive here with a bicycle due to the fact that the landscape is so spacious. Damian a nice working college from me has gifen me a great reccomondation. He sayed: "You have to see the ...

Queue to the amber room

I think I can't make it any more until they close the box office at 6 o'clock.

Продолжить на английском языке - Continue in English

Sorry my friends. Here are so many people which are interested in my journey, but probably none of them is able to read German and the Google translation is terrible. On the other side I know everybody of you speak English way better then me, so I don't think you will have problems with it. And I definitely would enjoy it if more sights were drubbed to English.

Northeast point

I'm right now probably at the northeast point of my journey. A very nice red head woman which is a manager of some bands, has recommended Vyborg Castel to me. I met her in the hostel of Moscow and could join to a performance of one of her bands.

Tickt tack, tick tack. Insomnia

It's now 4:47 p.m. I just was falling asleep at midnight. But hard to get back to sleep wenn it is so bright outside, the birds are singing and the outer tent skin is playing the song "It's raining man".

Professionell eingeparkt

Auf der Suche nach einem schönen Übernachtungsplatz zwischen Warschau und den Masurischen seen, dachte ich mir parke ich doch mal ordentlich stabil mit dem Unterbodenblech auf einem Baumstamm. Zugegeben der Baumstamm sieht nicht sonderlich groß aus, aber wenn muss ich ihn das nächste mal etwas energischer versuchen zu überwinden, denn wie es so schön heißt "Geschwindigkeit bringt Sicherheit". Wie aber nun das Dickschiff, vom Baumstamm herunterbekommen? Kurze Anmerkung: "Dickschiff ist momentan auch die einzig richtige Bezeichnung, denn vor der Abfahrt war ich noch am Schrottplatz zum wiegen vorbei gefahren, und die kleine Isabella (Isabelle ist übrigens ihr Name) bringt stolze 320 Kg auf die Wage. Zumal sind die 320 Kg auch nur mit halb vollen Tank ohne Lebensmittel und Trinkwasser." Also irgendwie muss es weiter gehen, also ordentlich Kreuzheben üben und die Isa vorsichtig umlegen. Danach den losen Sandboden irgendwie auffüllen, aufrichten und...


Am Morgen, wobei der Ausdruck relativ ist, denn bis das Zelt, Schlafsack und Isomatte getrocknet und verstaut sind vergehen schon mal ein bis zwei Stunden, starte ich wieder in Richtung Warschau über die langweilig geraden Straßen. Doch dann mit der Gas-Hand locker am Hahn und geistig vollkommen abwesend erblicke ich auf einmal am Horizont wie sich langsam Riesige Wolkenkratzer zum Himmel empor strecken.Durch das Flachland kann ich erstaunlich weit sehen und bin darüber erstaunt obwohl ich die Wolkenkratzer am Horizont schon sehen konnte, dass ich immer noch eine Stunde bis zum Hostel brauchte. Im Hostel angekommen, konnte ich mich mit den netten Damen an der Rezeption unterhalten, doch eigentlich freute ich mich am meisten auf eine Dusche mit einer Rasur, auf dass ich mich wieder in der Öffentlichkeit zeigen konnte, ohne mich zu schämen. Noch am Selben Abend unternahm ich einen gemütlichen Spaziergang in die nahe gelegene Altstadt von Warschau, wo sie an vielen verschieden...